
You’re telling lies with a big smile
Keep spraying your hate with words so vile
Bashing the weak that’s your lifestyle
Keep repeating your shit like a senile
You fuck the truth day in day out
Until there is new lies that you can shout
Is there anything that you know about
That you would not say to please the crowd?

You fucking Liar!
There’s no truth in your words
You fucking Liar!

Do you have a moral ground
Or is there conscience found
In your words that still resound
In your little crowd with hate abound
I can’t see whats good and right
And I can see the little light
That at least you might try
To keep up a straight line

You fucking Liar!
There’s no truth in your words
You fucking Liar!

And then you get on stage
Ready to lie again
And the words keep getting twisted
And the truth is crucified again
Is there anything that you won’t defile
Anything that you won’t deny
Any chance that you won’t
hold us down again?

You fucking Liar!
You fucking Liar!